Article Marketing | Publicity Plan to Net New Audiences

 This article goes out today to MTN News subcribers, which is published by CoryWest Media and written by Barbara Rozgonyi. For permission to reprint this article in your publication email connect [at] corywestmedia [dot] com.

One of the “inside secrets” to Internet marketing success, article marketing, is really a well-known fact: the more you publish, the more prominent you become. What is “secret” is how wildly successful article marketing can be. Make article marketing part of your publicity plan and watch the results roll in.

Some actual results:

– a coach I met at Big Seminar used article marketing to grow her list to 10,000 subscribers in 6 months

– an online marketing consultant is attracting 300 new subscribers every month after placing 10 articles in 25 ezines

– my first article is converting 10% of readers into subscribers

What do you need to do to make article marketing part of your publicity plan to net new audiences?

– search Google for articles: your preferred expert or guru [Google lists 621 today in a search for articles: “Barbara Rozgonyi”] to get a feel for style and content

– write something meaningful, helpful and non-promotional  to your target audience – it’s okay to modify the same basic article structure to reach different audiences with more precise information

– keep it short and organize for quick reading with bullets or steps

– write an author bio that includes who you are, who you help, how you do it, and a call to action to sign up for an ezine subscription or visit your site with a link like this: that includes the http:// in front of a URL that grabs ’em [FYI, as of today that link takes you to a more direct sales version of our home page]

– code your email opt-in to let you know the source – you can do this for every article submission source – by making your referral page unique for each article submission site

– some services allow you to set the dates for placement – in most cases you’ll want to write an “evergreen” article, which means the topic is always relevant

– submit at least one article a month, preferably one a week

– know that your articles may be published just about anywhere and that your bio box may or may not tag along with the copy. If you’re planning to publish the content or release it just for your subscribers, your article should brush against the subject without giving all the details away.

– each article submission site has its own author guidelines, plan on spending some time to set up your profile or use an article submission site like Article Marketer

– track your results by number of times your article gets read

– search Google by your article’s headline to see where it’s been picked up and contact the site to thank them and offer to write custom articles if this is a good fit for you

Want more PR advice? Subscribe to my PR ezine and get a $97 mp3 “How to Transform Your Company into a Customer Magnet” just for trying it out.


About this article’s author . . . An in-demand publicist, professional speaker and marketing communications consultant since 1990, Barbara Rozgonyi is grounded, edgy and prophetic. “Panoramic PR,” Barbara’s latest project, compresses everything she knows into an affordable, manageable course that teaches small business owners, entrepreneurs, authors, experts, coaches and anyone else who wants more free publicity how to get completely covered by being fully exposed. Claim a free report and get automatic articles like this one at


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