During this session, my Internet connection was iffy, so I cataloged my tweets offline. You’ll find them here, along with moderator Jason Falls’ slides. Jason recapped the putting social media in the newsroom session on his blog, Social Media Explorer. Although I’m interested in this topic, I went to this […]
Yearly Archives: 2008
Hello from Las Vegas! If you’re reading this and you’re also at BlogWorld, let’s meet up! You can reach me via twitter @wiredprworks or find me in one of the sessions. Disclaimer: I may change my mind and decide to go to a session that’s not listed here. BlogWorld 08 […]
Two years ago today on September 19, I wrote a post called PR Takeaways: Talk Like a Pirate Day. At the time, there were 130 Google News searches for talk like a pirate day. Today’s count: 340 talk like a pirate news stories and counting. Google’s even getting in […]
Two years ago today on September 19, I wrote a post called PR Takeaways: Talk Like a Pirate Day. At the time, there were 130 Google News searches for talk like a pirate day. Today’s count: 340 talk like a pirate news stories and counting. Google’s even getting in […]
After writing about Google’s Chrome comic book, I asked Brad Shorr, who frequently writes about business humor and is a business cartoon writer to guest post and talk about . . . Why Don’t Companies Use Cartoons in Their Marketing? By Brad Shorr, guest author As a business cartoon writer, […]
What do plan to do with your online marketing over the next six months? Lee Odden, of Online Marketing Blog, asked his readers to vote for the top three online marketing tactics they would use the most from now, mid-September, through mid-March 2009. What’s interesting to me is that corporate […]
What are you holding onto that you should be giving away? After completing the Word of Mouth Crash Course [thanks to Andy Sernovitz for a scholarship!], my biggest takeaway was this: give it all, that’s right all, away. Do you agree that we have a hesitancy to share not only […]
A reader writes . . . I read with interest your response to the gal looking for help with her arts site. You say in your response: As you may know, press releases have evolved from a simple announcement to a select group of journalists to powerful tools that merge […]
Searching for popular blogs to follow? Yahoo’s Blog directory lists blogs by category. Shown here is a screen capture I took this morning. At the time, Wired PR Works was number one. So . . . I told my newsletter subscribers about it. [Apologies to my newsletter readers for letting […]
Sometimes a seemingly tiny crisis can turn out to be a major ordeal. Little things can blow up into big matters very quickly – especially online. This week, United Airlines’ stock nose dived and almost crashed due to a story, published in 2002, about United’s bankruptcy filing. According to some […]