If you are thinking of blogging, here are ten ways blogging helps you
grow business online . . . .1. Differentiates you/your company as innovative and influential
2. Saves money on website design-maintenance: low or no-cost
3. Simplifies content creation, no HTML or Web design software
4. Makes updates instantaneous – eliminates sluggish turnarounds
5. Submits your content into multiple search engines faster
6. Enriches client relationships with two-way communications
7. Allows you to upload multimedia content with a few clicks
8. Supports sales and customer service functions
9. Organizes and displays information by topic – automatically
10. Attracts media attention as an always-on PR platform
In the Chicago area? Consider attending my hands-on, fear-free, How
to Blog Workshops – on either March 15 or April 19.
What other ways can blogs grow business online – or off?