Trade Show Web 2.0 PR Session Notes


Thanks to Michael Pranikoff, PRNewswire’s Director of Emerging Media, for a stellar presentation last week at the MeetingTechOnline Summit. In his session, Utilize Web 2.0 and Video Tools to Increase Success and Drive Revenues, Michael covered Web 2.0 basics, spotted social media trends and introduced new online PR concepts.

I’m sharing my twitter updates with you as they came out – short bursts of notes contained in lines of less than 140 characters. If you have questions, feel free to ask them in the comment box. As always, the updates are in reverse order.

Twitter Transcript

@mpranikoff – presenter for prnewswire – just found twitter id – great presentation! #mt0

showing flip video, great content creator [I use canon si5 for images-video-storage card converts to USB interface] prnewswire #mto

how to reach bloggers comment; engage don’t pitch; keep emails short; make ir relevant; find bloggers on, twitter prnewswire #mto

give exhibitors key words-phrases you want them to use to create a good ring of info for SEO, add bloggers to media list 🙂 prnewswire #mto

publicize show w/hashtags [+ technorati tags/blog categories] then listen, #prsa08 found out about wi-fi needs that way prnewswire #mto

long tail of PR communications: online 1st, then mainstream, then print, then search-share-blog, keep talking prnewswire #mto hello @katjapresnal! finland has highest internet penetration rate, korea highest for frequency of socnet visits #mto

lurk before you leap, listen to language, Google Trend-Insights to compare terms @prnewswire #mto

@prnewswire multimedia news release: domino’s cheesy garlic bread, after 1 mo 930 photo downloads, 7600 uniques, 86,000 view on YouTube #mto

prnewswire going over stats like 900,000 blog posts in 24 hrs technorati, only need to find 100-200 people to be successful #mto


At the end of the presentation, I had the chance to chat with Michael for a bit. He told me about his presentations online. You can view Michael Pranikoff’s presentations on SlideShare, including . . .

PR Newswire Meet The Media – 09/04/08 – Michael Pranikoff

Michael Pranikoff – PRSA Northeast Conference 9/11/08

Twitter Case Study by PR Newswire

How SEO Can Dramatically Improve your PR Strategy – PR Newswire Webinar 8/12/08

To show you how SlideShare works, here’s one of Michael’s presentations:

Click on the arrow key to scroll through. One takeaway for you from this presentation, a free keywords WordTracker tool that mixes in Google trends.

You might also enjoy this post: @wiredprworks twitter coverage of keynote speaker David Meerman Scott at MeetingTechOnline Summit

Have a conference you’d like covered? Contact Barbara on twitter or call 630.207.7530.

Your Turn

What more would you like to know about PR in a Web 2.0 world?

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