Teleseminar PRofits: What’s next? You Tell Us

Thanks again to my talented friend Jenny Hamby for writing a killer sales letter to promote our call last week.

And . . . to all of you who listened on the call. . . I’ll always remember you as among the first to buy one of my products.

High five to everyone who’s reading this – yes! – we did make a profit. Enough to pay for a VIP lunch and dinner at Big Seminar.

While our take is about what I’d make with our entry-level consulting package, this was a huge milestone for me. And, it’s one that was much easier to achieve than I thought it would be.

How so?

Like most people who know something, you don’t think you know as much as you do until you meet someone who needs to know what you know.

Got that?

Seriously, it astounds me at times when people tell me I have the answers they’re looking for.

Maybe you’re like that, too. You take for granted your experience, your know-how, your conquests, even your failures – which may be the most important part of success.

So, what did Jenny and I do on the call for an hour? We talked. I gave away lessons I learned the hard way. At the end of the call, we gave out the link to the bonuses.

After we hung up, I pulled out my calculator. The bonuses added up to over $40,000 in projects – and more than $300,000 in free publicity.

While I won’t take up your time showing you how I arrived at those numbers, I will tell you that I will never give away this much again – at least on a $29 call like this one.

We’re leaving the page up and the price as is until October 10 and then we’ll reassess the value.

Mabye we’ll get more sales if we price it higher. It’s worth a try anyway.

Stay tuned for our next product roll out, an enterpreneurial PR guide.

What do you need to know about? Leave a comment below or call us at 630.942.9542 to tell us about your marketing and PR education needs.

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