“We’re wired for stories, individually and collectively. Since the time of Odysseus We’ve been told stories. This is how we’ve been conditioned to learn; our morals and values are taught through stories.” Gay Ducey, past president, National Storytelling Network and Oracle Award recipient for Distinguished Nation Service in Storytelling How […]
relationship marketing
3 posts
How do you feel about rejection? “Rejection is the absence of meaningful love.” Charles Solomon, author “Actors search for rejection. If they don’t get it they reject themselves.” Charlie Chaplin “I think all great innovations are built on rejections.” Louis Ferdinand Celine, French writer and physicist 1894-1961 “I take rejection […]
One of the reasons I love being a blogger is: I get to communicate with other bloggers online whenever I want. But, meeting up in person sometimes takes some doing. When I got a personal invitation from Wendy Piersall to attend a ladies night out event, I replied immediately […]