Social Media Perceptions and Budgets

SUMMARY: Social media is gaining respect at a critical time – when budgets are being formulated. And this attitude adjustment is having a major effect on marketing spending. MarketingSherpa January 5, 2010

MarketingSherpa asked this question:
Which statement best describes how social media marketing is perceived within your organization at budget time?

7% Social media produces measurable ROI – increase budgets liberally
17% Social media is basically free – let’s keep it that way
27% Social media value is unknown – why invest more?
49% Social media is a promising tactic and will eventually produce ROI. Let’s increase budget conservatively.

Our clients agree with the majority and feel that social media is a must-make investment. After designing a plan that integrates social media into their business channels, they select options based on time, responsibilities, investments and strategy routes mapped out to meet their goals.

What’s your answer?

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