Making Money Online – Tips from Top Bloggers | BlogWorld08


Interested in what happened at BlogWorld? During the sessions, I sent out what amounted to a 15 page Word document, which added up to over 300 updates. This post covers Making Money Online with a Blog with John Chow, Brian Clark, Zac Johnson, Jim Kukral, Darren Rowse – Digital Photography School (Editor), ProBlogger (Editor) and Jeremy Schoemaker – ShoeMoney (Editor) You’ll find all of my BlogWorld08 twoverage [tweet +coverage] here.

Thanks to those of you who asked me to share these updates.

Reader’s Guide: Each line represents a live update made on @wiredprworks on Reporting is in reverse order; so start at the end and read your way up. Note that this is exactly what I typed during the session, misspellings and all. When you see @name, this means that the person who was talking may be found on Apologies in advance for any inaccuracies. 

Did you go to BlogWorld? Please share your takeaways and resources in the comments section.

Making Money Online BlogWorld08 Session Notes by Barbara Rozgonyi @wiredprworks on

@shoemoney, @copyblogger, @problogger , @johnchow, @jimkukral- thanks for asking my ? on how to promote aff products! #bwe08

best way to make $ in aff mktg, endorse things you believe in and actually works – I used a real thing and you should, too #bwe08

suziecheel: Retweet @wiredprworks: big graphic header is dead space #bwe08 looks like I need to change #bwe08

big graphic header is dead space #bwe08

how much to charge for ads? 2-3 xs Google’s cpm, have a “your ad here” block to attract sponsors #bwe08

take best posts make it into ebook for download #bwe08

take best posts make it into ebook for download #bwe08

shermanhu: Retweet @wiredprworks: @problogger – better to go w/name that’s descriptive, not personal, if you plan to sell it #bwe08

@problogger – better to go w/name that’s descriptive, not personal, if you plan to sell it #bwe08

@problogger – better to go w/name that’s descriptive, not personal, if you plan to sell it #bwe08

@shoemoney is coming in!!!! @bwe08

promote your own stuff, product or information on your blog, you don’t need thousands of people to make a lot of money #bwe08

most people don’t have any idea of what RSS is, use for blog broadcast [note: i use aweber for blog updates/ezine :)] #bwe08

what to focus on RSS or ezine? email, email, email @copyblogger, you are in the business of building a list #bwe08

@johnchow – offer free copy of ebook to get subscribers or free chapter of book, will triple subscription rate #bwe08

@copyblogger – find out what they want to buy, not what you want to sell

@copyblogger made $130k in Aug, teaching sells/diy themes, pd $21k in aff fees, $2K in fees, made $3k in advertising -got rid of ads #bwe08 – affiliate blog #bwe08

@shoemoney – where are you? #bwe08 – not on panel 🙁

adsense is number 3 revenue source #bwe08

@johnchow-pick a topic you enjoy or you won’t keep writing it, 1 direct sales, 2 aff products best ways to make $ for him @bwe08

where are potential readers gathering in #s and how can I get into that space – for @problogger is was flickr #bwe08

audience is mostly niche vs personal blogs #bwe08

ways to make money: direct sales, affiliate income, membership site, selling wordpress themes, sell vs ads #bwe08

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