For the last few days I’ve been answering calls for a literary agent. Each time the caller left a message saying they found my listing in the Yellow Pages online. So, I checked it out and yes, indeed, CoryWest is listed in the Literary Agent category – along with Marketing Consultants, Marketing Programs & Services, Public Relations Counselors and Writers. Hmm. . . how did we wind up with the literary agents?
Of course, I promptly return every message to let the aspiring novelists know that although my company does many things, I am not a literary agent. And then I say, “I’m curious. What’s your book about?”At that point, the real story begins. Passion for their project radiates right through the phone.
Sometimes I have to set them straight. While writing for a living is certainly doable – I created a class called “Write from the Start: Running a Succesful Freelance Business” that empowered more than a few successful writers, selling one book won’t support your family or maybe even your cat.
Even so, there is omnipotent power in passion. Before we hang up, I give them this list of resources. Until I can figure out how to change my listing, I can tell them to check this post. I will miss the stories, though. Have a resource to add? Leave the link in the comment section or email connectATcorywestmediaDOTcom.
Resources for Ready to Publish Writers
Dan Poynter, The Book Guy’s site – stacked with tons of free resources
Dan Poynter’s Self-Publishing Manual, 16th Edition: How to Write, Print and Sell Your Own Book (Self Publishing Manual) (Paperback) a true insider’s industry guide with marketing tips that work for all types of publishing
I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams I am, I am I am: How to Get Everything You Want in Life , by Thomas Pauley and Penelope Pauley – all you need is a 79 cent notebook and a pen to figure out what you want, recommended to shift from scarcity to abundant mentality
Rick Frishman’s Author 101 Newsletter and Blog– this is the guy, he even gives away his resource list in exchange for your email address
Independent Writers of Chicago – go to a meeting if you live in the Chicago area – if not, check out the site to see what members write about
Adams Press– independent book publisher in Chicago
Morgan James – The Entrepreneurial Publisher™
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