How much is Snapchat really worth? Who’s interested in temporary social media and ephemeral content marketing? Is it only teens? Back in April, MIT released its annual top 10 technology breakthroughs list. Temporary social media apps, like Snapchat, made the list. Messages that quickly self-destruct could enhance the privacy of […]
As a MacBook Pro and iPhone 5 owner, I’m always interested in what’s up next from Apple. Today’s keynote from Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), June 10-14 in San Francisco, announced the latest in iOS and OS X design and development. As expected, Apple introduced iOS7. Watch the iOS7 video. Want to compare developer announcements? […]
Stats, stats and more stats. Everyone in social media must be part statistician, but who doesn’t enjoy watching this industry take shape? Here’s the latest from Nielsen’s Q3 2011 social media report. One statistic that popped out: Internet users over the age of 55 are driving the growth of social […]
So while were on vacation the Wired PR Works iPhone app got named to a list of 44 useful mobile apps for social media marketers.* Thanks so much to Social Media Explorer contributor Debbie Hemley for the mention. This is a great list and one well worth checking out. How […]