A few weeks ago, Collin Canright asked Douglass Davidoff, who blogs at Straight Talk PR, to interview me about online PR in 2008. How flattering to get that kind of attention!
When you talk to Doug, you can tell he’s a former seasoned journalist now PR pro/blogger.
“You want me to answer that!?!” was my answer to Doug’s question about how I want to make money in 2008. If you know me, you know my game’s more about fun than money. That was before I knew I would be launching a product in January. Thanks for the kick in the keyboard, Doug.
Find out more about what’s to come in online PR 2008.
Start working on your 2008 online PR agenda.
The story behind the interview . . .
Does networking work 15 years later? Surprisingly, networking ages not only gracefully, but exponentially.
In April, I ran into Collin Canright of Canright Communications at Ken McCarthy’s The System Seminar. I first met Collin and his wife, Christina, about 15 years ago when he was president of the Independent Writers of Chicago.
If you would’ve asked me to pick Collin out of a room, I’m not sure I could’ve done it. But, I’m a stickler for remembering names. When I saw his nametag at The System Seminar, I recognized him.
Fifteen years later finds you at a different, more mature, place in life. While I was just warming up to writing after a career as a sales rep, Collin and Christina were well on their way. It’s almost better to take a break and reconnect at a new common places. This time it’s marketing online, not independent writing.
Who do know that you haven’t talked to in years? Why not search LinkedIn, Google and Facebook to see what they’re up to and surprise them with a voice from the past?