What’s on Your Whiteboard?

This article originally appeared in our ezine, MTN News. Subscribe at www.transformmarketing.com and claim your free bonuses.

Greetings from a town that’s close to being the hottest place on earth.

At least that’s what the Weather Channel’s reporting.

Even so, there’s a breeze blowing outside and I’m inside writing to you.

So, it’s all good.

One thing I cherish about summer is the stifling hot, humid weather.

The truth is, here in Chicago summer fades way too fast.

In a few weeks, all we’ll have left of summer is a digital photo collage of memories of good times in good places with good people.

If you want to control time and make things happen, setting dates and making them blindingly visible is an amazingly motivating way to plan and track your success route.

How about posting your plans where everyone can see them – everyday?

Like on a whiteboard for all your world to see.

Even a virtual whiteboard will do.

In our business, almost every project we accept is contingent upon delivering specific results by a target date.

To keep everyone informed, we plan and report on all of our client projects via shared digital files we send out to our clients and collaborative partners.

So, it’s all onscreen. All the time.

Project management is a skill that requires checking in, prodding, readjusting and reporting, reporting, reporting.

One person needs to know what’s going on at all times and for our clients, that person is usually me.

Unless I post the progress and information, it all stays stuck inside of my head until I dump in and share it.

What do you need to tell the world?

This week, several people emailed or called to ask when and if I would be teaching what I know.

Not just what I know, but what I’ve learned that I think they should know.

At one meeting someone even suggested I start a consulting business called ‘Just Do What Barbara Says.’

For years I’ve limited my knowledge and ideas to a very elite and select group of clients.

I’m ready to change all that.

Starting today.

You can see how by watching this week’s video at: http://tinyurl.com/gyw9b

Watch it and watch out for new ways to accelerate your business in creative directions.

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