Recently a reader asked me how I started my Chicago area marketing and public relations consultancy. I answered background questions on how I transitioned from a corporate career to an independent creative consultant. To extend my answer and benefit others, I’m including the outline for a course I teach called […]
On October 25, I’ll be speaking on social networking for writers at the 2008 IWOC Writers Conference. I’m an IWOC [Independent Writers of Chicago] member. For me one of the benefits is being listed in their database as a professional writer and speaker who specializes in online PR and social […]
Let’s just say it’s hard, if not impossible, to get into my book group. When we moved to town, it took me three years to get an invitation. It’s not that I didn’t try. I did. There were no openings. But, I did have one qualification in my favor: I […]
Do I need to have a blog? What would a blog do for my business? How do you find time to blog? I get these questions – a lot – from my writer friends who don’t blog. Answering the questions takes most of half an hour, sometimes longer. Before I […]