PR Tips |10 Ways to Make Your Image Spring-y

flower rowSprucing up your image is invigorating – for you, your team and your clients.

You have the audience, you have the “show” – now you need the recognition beyond your “channel.”

Test out these spring-y image makeover strategies that work – in all seasons:

1. Become the authority in your arena with the press, your peers and your readers

2. Specialize in at least one micro-niche and promote your expertise, then expand your influence

3. Work on a magnetic all-around in person  image: we do everything from recommend image artists [like Michael, a makeup magician; Diane, a graduate from the American Academy of Art who styles hair fashion; and Katie, a former wardrobe designer to Greek aristocracy] to dream up ways to have the company/client appear in traffic online and in neighborhoods

4. Publish, if you’re a blogger you do that now. Why not organize your posts into a book format?

5. Ever considered children’s stories? I once wrote a coloring book for an event – so far, the only “book” I’ve ever published. 

6. Engage a strong artistic graphic identity director. We usually recommend Dave’s studio, where they have a way of drawing out who you are when you can’t see yourself.

7. Capture customer data – let’s say you have thousands of readers/visitors. Give them a way to give you their email and mailing addresses in exchange for valuable and free information.

8. Form strategic partnerships – in the Internet Marketing world, it’s all about finding joint venture partners to promote you/your products in exchange for a revenue split.

9. Add more ads to your blog or your site and get a few sponsors.

10. Sell or giveaway gear for people to wear at conferences and arrange informal meet-ups -then you’ll see yourself springing up all over!!!

Your Turn

How do you “spruce up” your image?

Get started on your image makeover.

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