If you enjoy speaking, then giving presentations to a targeted audience is a great marketing and branding tool. But, writing a good speech takes time and giving a presentation also takes time. A 30 minute speech can easily turn into four or more hours of communications, planning, travel and follow […]
Monthly Archives: March 2010
Last week, Brett Flickinger, JD Gershbein, Brian Tomkins and I presented at The Business Ledger’s Newsmakers Forum. Brett started out with strategy. JD covered LinkedIn. Brian presented Facebook for business and I talked about twitter. Thanks to my intern for sitting through a business buffet lunch, filming my presentation, taking […]
I love watching and reporting on trends. Trendwatching’s April brief reports on the Brand Butler, “why serving is the new selling” trend. Interested in trends, too? Here’s the Source: www.trendwatching.com. One of the world’s leading trend firms, trendwatching.com sends out its free, monthly Trend Briefings to more than 160,000 subscribers […]
At a networking lunch today, someone asked about my upcoming presentations. Here’s a quick list of where to see me in the next few weeks. Let me know if you’ll be the audience. I’d love to meet you! Wow! Lots of workshops and social media speaking presentations coming up. I […]
“Portable, personable and participatory” – Sarah Evans, creator of Journchat, on what people want in their news, quoting an unassigned reference Kudos to Sarah for rounding up the CNN crew to join the Journchat conversation on twitter live via ustream on Monday night. I was there! Here’s CNN’s press release […]
Looking for some trends or stats for your next presentation? Here’s the latest on the state of the news media. The 2010 State of the News Media, the eighth annual report on American journalism, published by the Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism notes six major trends: SIx Major Trends […]
The best way to explain what we are trying to accomplish is to describe what we call the Three C’s: Collaboration, Connectivity, and Community from Loyola University’s Information Commons Overview image: Loyola University’s Information Commons by Barbara Rozgonyi for thesociallens.com On March 4 and 5, I attended and presented at […]
The best way to explain what we are trying to accomplish is to describe what we call the Three C’s: Collaboration, Connectivity, and Community from Loyola University’s Information Commons Overview image: Loyola University’s Information Commons by Barbara Rozgonyi for thesociallens.com On March 4 and 5, I attended and presented at […]
Thanks so much to Mari Smith for interviewing me for a teleseminar for the International Social Media Club Association. Because lots of people out there want to know about LinkedIn, I offered to answer the questions that came up in the forum. Today I’m sharing them with you, too. Special […]