The PSA: How to Get Thousands of Dollars in Radio and TV air time for nothing

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The PSA: How to Get Thousands of Dollars in Radio and TV air time for nothing

by Barbara Rozgonyi, founder of CoryWest Media

To request permission to reproduce or republish this article, contact connect AT corywestmedia DOT com.

When you partner with a non-profit – or if you’re a non-profit – your news is eligible to run as a Public Service Announcement or PSA. To find out how you can snag thousands in radio and TV ad dollars for nothing, read this article.

Our non-profits clients always have a Public Service Announcement [PSA] built into their PR campaigns. TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and even some media sites reserve time to run these free infomercials, usually as an announcement read by the show host, a recorded infomercial, a slide, video or print article. Over time, these mentions add up to tens of thousands of dollars in free advertising. It’s a win-win for the non-profit.

This technique also works for business to business and business to consumer campaigns. You’ll need to find a non-profit partner and then create a way to raise donations for them. Events work well as do donations based on a percentage of sales. Look for non-profits with high name recognition, a mission that matches yours and a donor base that would be interested in your products or services.

Each media contact has its own preference: audio, video or script. When we write scripts we submit three: 10, 30 and 60 seconds. Sometimes, we get up to 20 mentions per contact for one event.

And, stations often call when they need an interview at the last minute. You will need a media directory for each metro area. So, start with a big target and then roll it out to other markets.

If you’re a non-profit starting out, contact a few local agencies to see it they’ll lend you their list. To reach a wide range of influence in the U.S., try connecting with the League of Women Voters and tapping into their membership communications. In our area, these women – and men – are the real movers and shakers.

About the author . . .

An in-demand publicist, professional speaker and marketing communications consultant since 1990, Barbara Rozgonyi is grounded, edgy and prophetic. “Panoramic PR,” Barbara’s latest project, compresses everything she knows into an affordable, manageable course that teaches small business owners, entrepreneurs, authors, experts, coaches and anyone else who wants more free publicity how to get completely covered by being fully exposed. Claim a free report and get automatic articles like this one at

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