Teleseminar Secrets Reunion TSS09 Event Review

On March 6 and 7, I attended Alex Mandossian’s Teleseminar Secrets Reunion  – check out my album on flickr. I didn’t tweet much or live blog at all. Why? Alex is a fantastic speaker and one who deserves complete attention. So, I went back to taking notes the old-fashioned way: in a spiral notebook. It’s more liberating and I got much more out of the content.

Phenomenal is the only word that describes the networking.

Want to follow the Teleseminar Secrets folks on twitter? Check out Mari Smith’s TSS reunion twitter directory and Pat and Lorna’s spectacular list of Teleseminarians on twitter and their websites.

Teleseminar Secrets Reunion 2009 Review

Here’s what I liked most about the day and a half program and what I’d like to suggest you test at your events.

  • Limit attendance to 150 for a group that is intimate, yet big enough to explore.
  • Give people a networking guide. In this case, who are you, why are you here and who is your best prospect. This way, everyone’s sorting for the same information.
  • Set expectations and go over the rules of the game up front. Alex set the tone by requesting that everyone listen to an audio guide before we got to the conference. I downloaded the file and started to listen to it on my flight. It starts out with some high-energy, groovy music. So, I turned it up. About three seconds later, the flight attendant came by and said “You’re not plugged in.” Oops . . . while the incident did make the people around me laugh, it was embarrassing. Never say I don’t know how to get attention.
  • “Pack My Bag” moments – Alex tested this out for the first time. Here’s how it works: anytime you feel like you’ve gotten enough value and you could go home, it’s a pack my bag moment. You stand up, say “I’m packing my bags.” and tell the group your moment.
  • Chart out your life’s defining events – what was your life like at the time: lousy, ho-hum or great? Alex went back 20 years. Why not chart out your life over the next 20 years and see what you’d like to accomplish?
  • Reach higher achievement by following 12 principles that make good entrepreneurs great. The top 3 for me:
  1. Focus on improving, not just inventing.
  2. Focus on relationships, not just transactions.
  3. Focus on a positive no thanks, not just a yes.
  • Speed Networking: what I offer/what I want. “Networking in business is not a matter of what you know, or who you know. It is mostly a matter of WHO knows YOU.” Alex Mandossian
  • Repurpose your content. As Alex went over 32 ways, a bike mechanic built a wheel with 32 spokes.
  • Display products and props on the stage. So many times speakers present on an empty stage.
  • Treat your people like family.
  • Host a party. Thanks to Marty Fahncke of Conference Call University for hosting a mentor/mentee dinner. I was honored to be selected as one of 12 mentors who could bring a guest. Artist Tara Reed, one of my fellow mastermind members, was my guest. 
  • Were you at the Teleseminar Secrets Reunion? What was your biggest takeaway?

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