Online you can be anyone you want to be. Not that you should, but you can. While we would never, ever recommend our clients create even a slightly fictitious persona, some people can and do make things up every day in real life and online. Over the weekend, I watched […]
Digital Branding
Okay, I’ll admit up front that this might sound a bit self serving, and it is because it’s about me. But, I’m only showing you what can happen so that you can see where you might be in 10 months if you start a social media optimization plan today. I […]
On March 6 and 7, I attended Alex Mandossian’s Teleseminar Secrets Reunion – check out my album on flickr. I didn’t tweet much or live blog at all. Why? Alex is a fantastic speaker and one who deserves complete attention. So, I went back to taking notes the old-fashioned way: […]
Now we’re getting somewhere. Momentum is building in Chicago around all things social media. As a founding member of the second city’s Social Media Club, I’m thrilled to see people packing rooms to learn, network and advance social media for themselves, their companies and the community at large. Check out […]