I had this idea for a post. Every week I would update the latest social media news. I tried it a few times with my ezine subscribers. I liked it. I think they did, too. But. . . keeping track takes time and effort. This week, for the first time ever, I turned this idea over to my intern. Here’s what she came up with. What do you think?
Social Media Weekend News Updates for April 16
With so many new social media networking sites popping up, it’s hard to keep straight what is new and different with each of them, even the ones we use so frequently. Sites like Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin have become a staple among the social networking sites for many of us, but even these popular sites have had many changes in 2010.
Since the development of Facebook, a lot has changed on the website, and even the most recent developments have it evolving into an even more complete social networking site. According to the Facebook Blog , some of the most recent changes have happened within the past few days. On April 13, they introduced a new Safety Center on Facebook to help put out information for parents, teens, educators, law enforcement, and all other users regarding online safety and security. Topics such as cyberbullying and what is appropriate to post are addressed. They have even partnered up with MTV and the BBC to help address these issues.
Check out Facebook’s Safety Center
Twitter has had a lot of changes since hitting the internet in 2006 as well. According to the Twitter Blog , just this last month, Twitter introduced a set of web tools called @Anywhere to integrate Twitter with all of its partner Web sites like Amazon, Google and YouTube. This way, users will be able to follow a suggested user from Amazon while still shopping for the latest movies to come out that week. This feature will also help create more traffic, insight and opportunities to build your social network, and your business. Find out how to use @Anywhere from twitter on your website .
Linkedin has not lagged in its updates either. This past month they introduced Linkedin in Italian and Portuguese, making it available in six different languages. In February of this year, Linkedin partnered with Microsoft to bring your professional Linkedin network right into your Microsoft Outlook Inbox. This partnership allows Linkedin users to be able easily add previous contacts to their Linkedin network, keep track of what your Linkedin contacts are working on, and it even creates a Linkedin contacts folder for you. For further information on this, and even more social media for business developments on Linkedin, check out The Linkedin Blog. Know a job seeker? Check out LinkedIn’s new Premium Job Seeker Account. Yes, you do have to pay for it.
What was newsworthy for you this week? Did you see these stories?
Ning’s Bubble Bursts: No More Free Networks, Cuts Staff by 40%
Twitter Announces Promotional Tweets
AP Stylebook finally changes “Web site” to “website”
Report: Groupon Valued at $1.2 Billion
Thanks, as always, for sharing your opinions and comments. Stay updated with social media marketing and PR news delivered directly to your inbox.
Image credit goes to Shutterstock, a fantastic photo site that gives us access to the library in exchange for a credit.
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