Thanks to all of you who commiserated with me on my tablet’s recent illness. CompUSA pronounced my first convertible DOA at noon today when the machine failed to boot. Thanks fo CompUSA, Gateway’s gifting me with a brand new, or brand newly refurbished, Convertible Laptop. Tablet 2 will be up and running this weekend. The CompUSA service manager sounded as happy with the news as I did. Who wouldn’t want to close a service order that’s been open for almost 40 days? It’ll be good to go back to being a wireless runaway.
Barbara Rozgonyi
Barbara Rozgonyi leads CoryWest Media, a future-driven marketing communication consultancy that attracts attention, builds brands, and connects communities. Named in honor of her mother and grandmother, CoryWest Media inspires innovation as it fuels growth. Barbara is an international trends speaker, avant-garde consultant, and intrepid sales leadership guide. Her top-ranked blog,, launched in 2006. An early social media advocate, Barbara founded Social Media Club Chicago in 2008. Her podcast, Growing Social Now, launched in 2021.
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