Ever wished you could grow your business faster, but didn’t think you had the resources to work with a business development consultant? It’s not about how much money you have right now, it’s about partnering up with someone who’s as interested in growing your business in creative, and profitable, directions as you are.
“Online marketing and PR expert, Barbara Rozgonyi, is a wealth of information, brilliant ideas, and resources for small and large companies alike.” inc.com
Pivot with Purpose Business Development Consulting
A Marketing Transformations Experience for Creative Startups and Smart Entrepreneurs
Traditional business coaches ask questions and wait for answers.
While that approach works for some, when a great idea pops into my mind, I can’t hold back.
With over 30 years as a business owner, I’ve seen it all. My approach is to ask, listen, reflect, and offer ideas. It’s up to you to decide what approach you like, and then take action. I’m working with a small group of entrepreneurs and startups who want to grow their business in 4D. Apply for consideration and acceptance into Transform Marketing Business Development Consulting Program.
Marketing Transformations Experience Business Development Consulting
Turbocharge* Marketing
*Add speed or energy to something
How fast do you want to get to where you want to go?
Get ready to step onto your custom-built success track.
Go from being the best-kept secret known only to your top customers to being a well-known segment leader with a recognizable personality and a stellar reputation that commands attention.
Do you want to grow your business in creative directions? Are you looking for marketing guidance and accountability?
Are you motivated to do the work needed to move to the next level? Do you know what the next level is?
Are you open to new ideas and ways of thinking?
If you answered yes, then we may be a good fit!
This is not for you, if . . .
You dream about growing your business, but you’re not committed to doing the work.
You’re happy where you are and don’t want to make any changes personally or professionally.
You’re not sure if the investment is one you can comfortably make right now.
Your business is bigger than a startup. Our coaching programs can scale up for CEOs and CMOs.
We start with a 90-minute interview about you, your business and your goals. And, we’ll do a 360 Marketing Audit to pinpoint opportunities.
Together, we’ll develop your strategic WIRED PR in 4D roadmap.
You’ll choose one or two key priorities to complete in 90-days with a focus on making long-term progress.
Now that you’re on your way, you’ll have assignments to complete before you move onto the next stop and the next session.
If you get stuck, you can email or text for guidance. Our goal is to keep you moving in the right direction.
As you make progress, you’ll start to see positive changes, which may include:
- A streamlined approach to marketing that saves, time and money
- Direct connections to target buyers who want to work with you
- Dynamic stories that engage your audience and the media
- Data insights that act as a dashboard to keep you on track
- PR opportunities that get you and your company’s name in the news
- A clear path with comfortable stepping stones that builds on long-term growth
- Eliminating overwhelm with manageable moves that build on each other
- Significant time and money savings with action steps that get you the most bang for your buck
- A new sense of freedom and inspiration that comes with the relief of knowing you’re moving in the best direction
360 Marketing Audit $1500 VALUE
WIRED PR in 4D Roadmap $2500 VALUE
Laser-Focused Sessions [up to 8] $4000 VALUE
Get Unstuck Email/Text Check-ins $1000 VALUE
Client Dashboard $ 500 VALUE
Connections Priceless