First, let me be completely up front about the fact that this my daughter, Phoebe. And, yes we’re both wearing wedding dresses. Well, dresses we would wear to weddings. After all, we are in the Gold Coast Room at the Drake and this is the eve of the Royal Wedding. […]
Daily Archives: May 9, 2011
3 posts
Wondering what went on at SOBCon? Let me tell you . . . this post is one of several in a series. Deciding who to sit with can affect your SOBCon outcome. Your table is your group. This year, I got really lucky. Two people left our table because it […]
A first, a news release about a porch, led to ways to use storytelling as landscaping to plant PR. Disclosure: Hursthouse Landscape Architects and Contractors is a CoryWest Media marketing and public relations client. CMP.LY/4 View the release, Once Upon a Porch Project Wins Landscaping Gold Award in Glen Ellyn. […]