Over the weekend, I’ll be attending my third SOBCon. Thanks to Liz Strauss, I am an SOB. Make that a week 123 SOB. What is an SOB? And what does being an SOB have to do SOBCon, Leadership and Loyalty? I’ll have more to say about that after this weekend, […]
Monthly Archives: April 2011
Hi there! My name is Barbara. One group of friends calls me that. Another calls me Barb. Once, on a conference call, someone asked if the could call me Barb because they like shorter names. Why don’t you just call me B? I suggested. Is shorter better? After reading the […]
April is National Poetry Month and before it slips away, let’s celebrate together. Share your favorite poet or passage in the comments section, will you please? Need help finding one? Check out the poem flow app or read about an inspiring collection of poems.
Everybody’s making videos, but who really knows how to marketing them? For the answer to that question, I’m passing this topic over to a guest author. The last time this special guest posted here, his post about keys to writing a press release for SEO and page rank landed in […]
Is the third time the charm? In this case, maybe. If you’re anywhere near Chicago next Thursday night, April 28, I hope you can join Social Media Club Chicago and SOBCon at The Drake. It’s our third anniversary of celebrating the opening of SOBCon, the Successful and Outstanding Blogger Conference […]
You might call this week a LinkedIn hat trick. With two media interviews and a LinkedIn personal and corporate branding training session, this trio of events got me thinking about how it was time to update the checklist I use in my workshops. I’m sharing it with my readers – […]
Why yes, that would be my name on the same page as the Wall Street Journal. Thanks so much to Marla Tabaka, a fantastic success coach for women entrepreneurs who writes The Successful Soloist column for inc.com, I got assigned to write How to Launch a LinkedIn Company Page. […]
Today I’m honored to be presenting a program on best practices in higher education digital communication at the Higher Learning Commissions Academic Quality Improvement Program [AQIP] conference. Here’s the presentation guide that includes an outline of what I’m covering as well as links to resources. Following along or want […]
The last question our personal branding panel got at Affiliate Summit West was, to me, curious, “What would you do if someone hijacked your brand?” Being an overly trusting person, I never thought about the possibility of someone intentionally hijacking your brand – or your work. Yet, it’s happened to […]