Promoting a Chamber of Commerce is a multi-level, multi-purpose communications endeavor. A press kit is one way to present your organization to not only the media, but to business owners and local leaders. Today, I’m sharing my response on LinkedIn Answers to this question: I am putting together a press kit for a chamber of commerce and would like to find out what I should include in it. Many people responded with good answers, visit the site to read everyone’s thoughts.
Here are mine . . .
Are you looking for a press kit, a credentials piece or a member recruitment kit?
Why are we doing this, what’s the purpose and what’s in it for them are good questions to ask before you get started on a creative project, especially if you’re operating on a budget.
We developed the business recruitment package for an economic development corporation. Designed to attract new businesses and promote the corporation’s contributions to the community, the package included a variety of pieces like:
– solid brand and graphic design communication foundation
– attractive presentation in a high-end folder
– intro to the business districts
– quotes from business owners [fun getting these!]
– map and directory of leadership
– guide on how to get started doing business in their town
– shopper directory
The production cost for a package with this many pieces can be high and the information can quickly become stale and outdated.
What did the press get? A continuous stream of releases about local business news. We posted the releases on our site and theirs to track traffic. In many cases the release was the only online presence the business had.
To recruit chamber members, you’ll need more of a membership benefits package. Look at other successful chambers for examples.
I agree that you need an online media center. Check out for a free social media release type platform.
As far as creating buzz goes, think about how you can give your community a voice online. Start a newsletter that’s free for everyone to keep the information flowing. You can set up a channel on YouTube and take videos with an inexpensive flip camera for a reporter on the scene type approach that people will want to watch. Running advertising or programs on your local cable channel is usually free. And, one last thought, give local bloggers a free membership and see what they write about you.
Good luck!
@wiredprworks on
How does your Chamber or business group promote your organization in print – to the press, local leaders or members?
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