10 Ways Brave Branding Will Change your Fate

brave-disney-pixarTowering over the other kids at private screening of Pixar’s new movie, Brave, my 17 year old 6’1 1/4″son is still a kid who loves Pixar movies. So does our entire family of five. When a new Pixar movie comes out, we do the best we can to see it together on opening day.

Update: I’m honored to present a keynote on BRAVE marketing at the 2103 NCMPR Conference in Chicago on March 12.

This event was a gathering of mom bloggers who brought their much smaller and younger children out for a fun night at the movies. I’m looking forward to reading their review. Here’s mine.

10 Ways Brave Branding Will Change Your Fate

1. Consistency across channels – the look, characters and storyline all stay the same. Are you easily recognizable – everywhere?

2. Invite to opt-in – whether it’s to buy tickets, get updates or sign up for stories, the Brave sites capture information and build a database. When do you bring people into your fold?

3. Inspiration – a heroine seeks to break the rules: “I want my freedom.” What do your clients want from you?

4. Challenging – “If you had the chance to change your fate, would you?” How do you challenge your team to change lives every day?

5. Unexpected – I will not reveal the plot twist that caught everyone completely off guard. How do you keep your community enthralled?

6. Accents – I swear I could hear Mari Smith‘s Scottish brogue in some of the background dialogue. Do you speak your community’s dialogue?

7. Accessories – take a look at all the ways you can trick out your social media platforms with Brave backgrounds. What kinds of ways can your community show their association with your organization? Hint: t-shirts


8. Events – inviting dozens of social media moms to share their experience, even if they couldn’t reveal anything right away, built up pre-opening buzz. Who would be on your A-list?

9. Postcards – at the premiere, each guest got a stack of postcards to send out to family or friends. When do you use direct mail?

10. Emotion – like most Pixar movies, this one will move you over and over again – isn’t that what your business is supposed to be all about?

Disclosure: Thanks to Disney Pixar and Studio Movie Grill, on June 14 my son and I attended a private screening of Brave. As part of the agreement, I promised not to mention or blog about the movie online until opening day, June 22. Each guest received complimentary movie admission, food and drinks.

How do you use Brave branding to change your fate?

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